Meet Susan. Back in 1990, after seeing multiple neurologists for tingling and numbness in her legs, she was given a diagnosis of possible MS. Due to lack of resources and knowledge about MS at the time — and the fact that there were no medications available — she left it at that. For the next 16 years, she lived with no severe symptoms. But in 2006, after a stressful divorce, symptoms started appearing again.
Uncertainty about her future
As her symptoms worsened, Susan’s mental health declined. She didn’t know what her future would look like or how fully she’d be able to live her life. Would she still be able to travel? How much would her mobility decline over time? “It was devastating. It’s hard to put into words.”
Still, she made major lifestyle changes to slow the progression as much as possible. She changed her diet, made a treatment plan, and dedicated time three days a week to exercise.
Started experiencing foot drop
Eventually, Susan started experiencing foot drop, one of the most common mobility challenges people living with MS experience. Walking became more difficult and her risk of falling increased, so she started using a cane. After 5+ years of walking with a cane, she transitioned to a rollator as her balance continued to decline and the falls became more frequent.
Learning about the Cionic Neural Sleeve

Last April, she met with her neurologist and he told her about the Cionic Neural Sleeve, a bionic clothing garment that delivers functional electrical stimulation (FES) to the four muscle groups of the leg. After having tried other FES devices, she was familiar with the concept of FES and how it could improve her walking ability. Previously, she had only ever tried devices that delivered stimulation to nerves, which she found to be uncomfortable.
Since this stimulated muscles, she decided to give it a shot. She took an online assessment and learned it was a fit for her and her mobility. Her neurologist wrote her a prescription, she placed her order online, and a few weeks later, she received her sleeve.
During her initial onboarding session, she met with a mobility specialist who helped her set up the stimulation and had her walk down her hallway. “All of my muscles and nerves immediately did what they were supposed to. My foot wasn’t dropping. It was like my muscle memory just kicked in.”
Using the Neural Sleeve on an ongoing basis
Within the first week of using the Neural Sleeve, Susan and her husband went to the town square to walk around. “Before the sleeve, I never would have considered it. If we went anywhere before, I used a wheelchair. There was too much uncertainty — how far we’d have to park, uneven terrain, etc.”
In addition to walking places she previously wouldn’t have been able to, she also says the Neural Sleeve has helped with her fatigue and overall energy levels throughout the day. “I can get around so much more easily. And I can just take the steps and not have to think about it. I had no idea how much mental energy went into my steps — how tired it made me. That’s given me so much more headspace.”
She also has the stamina to do more around the house. “I can help clean. I can help cook. I can fill my water myself now instead of having to rely on my husband to help me.”
The ability to travel again
The Neural Sleeve has not only improved Susan’s mobility, fatigue, and stamina. It has also given her the ability to travel again. She recently returned from a trip to St. Pete Beach, FL, where she was able to stay on the beach and walk through the sand for the first time in years.
In August, she’s traveling to Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado to see one of her favorite guitarists. The venue is all steps. “I’m so excited. I was looking for a miracle with my walking and that’s exactly what the sleeve is.”
Thank you, Susan, for sharing your story.
To see if the Cionic Neural Sleeve is a fit for you, please complete the 30-second assessment.

This is a user story from a Cionic customer, who has not been compensated to share their story. Individual results and experiences may vary. Consult with your doctor on treatment decisions.